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Informatio & Complain Center

Informatio & Complain Center

Citizen Service

Various complaints, investigation of allegations, taking necessary measures regarding complaints.


Complaints received from various individuals and organizations such as complaints against various government / non-governmental organizations and individuals are investigated by the officer concerned.

The reports are sent to the concerned authorities or the higher authorities of the office within a stipulated time for further action.

Current Project

প্রযোজ্য নহে।


Various complaints, investigation of allegations, taking necessary measures regarding complaints.


Complaints received from various individuals and organizations such as complaints against various government / non-governmental organizations and individuals are investigated by the officer concerned.

The reports are sent to the concerned authorities or the higher authorities of the office within a stipulated time for further action.

DC Office (3rd Floor) Bogura. Section Room No-329, Officer in charge Room No-330 e-mail: dcbogra.complain@gmail.com


Law & Policy
Acting Officer